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100% Real Siberian Mink Lashes Curl B, C, D, J

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Category: Lashes , Real mink

Bloom of Beauty Real Mink Lashes

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 9.59 47.97

Bloom of Beauty 100% Real Mink Lashes - Handmade natural lashes.

Siberian Mink Fur Lashes are the finest false eyelash products on the market, worn by celebrities and catwalk models worldwide. Mink has a unique natural sheen that cannot be achieved with regular synthetic lashes. These mink lashes made of natural hair come from the tail of mink - extremely soft, gentle and lightweight.

  • Curl: J(A), B, C, D
  • Length: 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm
  • Set of 5 sizes (9-13mm)
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