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Facial masks

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Whenever you simply want to pamper yourself or your skin justifiably needs an extra vitality boost, facial masks are a way to go.

Being one of the most highly concentrated products in your skincare routine, they offer an instant glow even though they do not stay on your face for long. Nonetheless, when used regularly, such an additional treatment may notably improve the overall condition of your complexion. It is totally worth it, let alone if you choose a face mask with the most suitable ingredients for your skin type. For instance, when looking for a natural facial mask for wrinkles, you should search for products teeming with antioxidants like plant extracts, which are rich in flavonoids – potent free radicals scavengers. Simultaneously, if you want to choose the best facial mask for acne scars, opt for gently exfoliating cosmetics that also locally reduce the amount of melanin in the skin layers to prevent the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Best if these features are enhanced by an additional antioxidant boost. The list could go on and on. Because of this, check our practical guide of facial masks later in the article.

Before applying a facial mask though, it is undoubtedly wise to know how often to use it. Surely you’d like to get the most benefit out of your treatment without overdoing it and wasting the product. The most optimal answer would be once, or eventually twice, a week, since remember that a face mask should be a boosting addition to your routine and not its base.

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