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XR Celldiet Energizer

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Category: Phytotherapy , Skincare

Box of 20 Sachets

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XR Celldiet Energizer - Passion Fruit Flavor

XR Celldiet Energizer drinking cocktail has the combination of Ginseng, Royal Jelly and Taurine which stimulates physical and mental activity, preventing premature aging and improving the immune system. This energizer boosts up metabolism as well as facilitating the weight loss process. XR Celldiet Plus is perfect for sports people.

This product has a pleasant flavor of Passion Fruits. Supplied in a box of 20 Sachets (10ml each).

How to use this product?

  • Mix 7g of the product with 100ml glass of water. Your daily dosage should not exceed two sachets per day.

These drinking sachets are also available as Celldiet Artichoke and Celldiet L-Carnitine (Wild Berries).

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